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Lines For Life is with you. 24/7.
YouthLine | Lines For Life

Youthline: Teens Helping Teens by Text, Phone, or Chat

Free. Confidential. No problem too big or small.

YouthLine | Lines For Life
Talking about what’s bothering you can be difficult and scary. We know that your call with YouthLine may be the first time you say out loud what you’re going through. When you call us, we listen, support, and keep what you share to ourselves.

Being a teenager means a lot of changes and while “growing up” can explain some experiences of sadness or irritability, depression can be overwhelming. Depression isn’t just a bad mood and it may not even seem like sadness. When your emotions become too much to handle, you may feel irritable, angry or agitated. Talking about your emotions and having someone to listen with no judgement can help.

YouthLine | Lines For Life

Teen volunteers are here to listen to you.

Here are things we don’t do:
  • we won’t judge
  • we won’t tell you what to do
  • we won’t tell you that your feelings are silly or unreasonable – because they aren’t
YouthLine’s teen volunteers are here to listen to you, to help you know that your feelings matter, and to help you feel better.

YouthLine | Lines For Life text call

We’re here to support you every day.

If you want to talk about it, we can help. The YouthLine is here via text, phone, or chat. If you’re most comfortable talking to another teen, from 4 to 10 PM Pacific, they’re here to answer and help. The YouthLine offers someone to talk to 24/7 to help you through your feelings and what you’re experiencing.

© 2021 Lines For Life - YouthLine - All Rights Reserved
5100 S Macadam Avenue, Suite 400, Portland, OR  97239
Phone: 877-968-8491 | Email: